Agave – Brownies on the Dr. Oz Website

| January 31, 2010

I have been searching my brain for possibilities – where can I find AGAVE SYRUP?  ……not at Food Lion, I looked today.  I am not familiar with agave – but it has a low glycemic index – and should be an excellent sweetener for those persons who might be concerned about gaining weight or increasing […]

ATC Exchange and ART WORKS

| January 25, 2010

Just when I am CERTAIN that I cannot muster another laugh out of my weary body, day three of the marathon of fun began and I am SURE that Catherine, Carmen and I did not stop laughing for more than a minute or two the entire day!  Have you ever had a day like this […]

CUTTING BEE with Augusta Cole Saturday, January 23, 2010

| January 25, 2010

Day two of the THREE DAY MARATHON OF FUN took place at Augusta Cole’s CUTTING BEE on Saturday.  I went last year and had so much fun that I have had it on my calendar for a WHOLE YEAR! The morning had a bit of a ROUGH START…..see Catherine and I were at a Memories […]

Friday Night Fun at Memories Galore

| January 25, 2010

Friday night was JUST THE BEGINNING of a three-day-marathon of fun….and I mean marathon.  🙂 Catherine and I met at Memories Galore from 6 to 12 on Friday for a NO FRILLS CROP….that means we ate snacks, instead of a meal.  Take a look at the pictures below and you will see the most amazing cupcake […]


| January 17, 2010

I got this e-mail from EQUILTER LAST NIGHT and thought some of my quilter friends might like to help too.  YOU CAN ACCESS THE WEBSITE AT   Live from Japan – A Plan for Haiti Relief Quilts I am writing to you today from the Hotel Granvia in Kyoto Japan, where a group of […]