Feet Feet Feet Feet – so many sad feet you meet….And it is ALL in the Family

| June 9, 2010

OK – now is this a bad dream?  A scene from a sitcom gone awry?  A silly coincidence?  But goodness, I have three generations of similar injuries – could there be a BAD GENE IN THERE SOMEWHERE? My grandangel James was playing in the ball pit at Ikea and broke every bone in his foot…..he […]

My Mother’s Eulogy (This post is for family)

| June 8, 2010

My Mother, Marjorie Ruth Lyle Albertson,  died May 27.  She would have been 89 July 30.    I want to thank everyone for the wonderful cards and expressions of support.  I think that no matter what your age it is hard to lose your mother.  I still don’t feel like myself. The motivation for starting my […]

SEW SEW DAY May 24, 2010

| May 24, 2010

Catherine and I had a great SEW SEW DAY today………and I LEARNED NOT ONE – BUT TWO new things….how cool is that…..I absolutely love learning how to do new things. OK – first we had an ATC REVIEW – LOVE THESE – thanks everyone from the Quilting Adventures ATC group!  The ATCs this month are […]


| May 24, 2010

TEXT WHILE DRIVING? My cousin sent this to me…….I had to share it – it is really a good reminder NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE!  I hope my driving GRANDANGELS all read and heed! 


| May 23, 2010

If you know me,  you know that I like to have NEW EXPERIENCES.  I love NEW THINGS.  Now, I know this is pretty weird, but I ate a dog biscuit (after carefully assessing that the ingredients in it were all people stuff!)  It was from TRADER JOES – and it was actually pretty good.  I […]