Happy Father’s Day June 2011

| June 18, 2011

If your Dad is, or was, a hard working man, and is your hero   ……..   post this to your status. You can replace a lot of people in your life, but you CANNOT REPLACE YOUR DADDY!!!  I am thankful for mine. My Friend posted this on FACEBOOK this morning and I copied it […]

Happy June – FLIP A COIN DAY

| June 1, 2011

Did you KNOW that June 1st is FLIP A COIN DAY?  I never knew that until my “COMPUTER TOLD ME.” In fact, we probably never knew half  of what we know now before computers were in common use!  Whatever did we do when we needed to look up a word – or figure out in […]

Cakes are DONE, People are FINISHED – what about QUILTS – are they DONE DONE?

| May 30, 2011

While conducting  research at CAL STATE UNIVERSITY for my thesis, I was testing the memory of older and younger adults for learning new word processing procedures.  One morning, I peeked into the laboratory cubicle and very politely asked one of my research participants,  “Are you done, Mrs. _____”? SHE (being an 85 year old retired […]

Can and Will you help the people in Joplin, MO?

| May 25, 2011

If you are able and willing to help – I know of a secure way.   The folks in Joplin, MO are suffering – many of lost EVERYTHING in the recent tornados that have ravaged through their town demolishing their homes.   My online friend and quilt designer, Judy Laquidara of www.patchworktimes.com is collecting money […]


| May 24, 2011

Is there anything sweeter than a grandangel turning  ELEVEN years old (May 25)  – with curly hair, blue eyes and below holding my ONE AND ONLY KNITTED DINOSAUR…   ….which leads me to the next question…….if I can knit a 5  foot plus dinosaur, why do I NOT HAVE A PAIR OF KNITTED SOCKS FINISHED […]