Happy 15th Birthday Grandangel Collin August 2, 2011

| August 1, 2011

Happy Birthday!   Grandangel Collin Stark I hope your 15th birthday is a lark!   If I were a dog,  I wouldn’t sing – I would BARK And I would eat your birthday cake at Sunday Park!   LOVE YOU, Grandma Shirley (and be THANKFUL that none of your friends read my blog!  lol)

What’s on my Design Wall August 1, 2011

| August 1, 2011

The SUMMER MYSTERY 2011 is on my Design Floor this week  – the last clues! I really like this Fabricaholics Mystery Quilt designed by Marge Gordon. Here is a preview of what I will be doing this week!  All of these points going in different directions are going to keep me on my toes….if you […]

And Then I Laughed…….

| July 26, 2011

Jan, one of my daughters in CA,  reminded me a couple of nights ago about my “weird” sense of humor. Why would she say a thing like that?  Well, you see, I tried the CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON at the Orange Country Fair two years ago and broke part of my tooth off.  (The frozen chocolate […]


| July 24, 2011

Those of you who live on a farm and have REAL GARDENS are probably going to be raising your eyebrows at this…… BUT I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT MY TOMATO GARDEN!  I am a grown up – relatively speaking – and I have tried to grow tomatoes all of my life – in EIGHT DIFFERENT […]

Everything’s Up to Date in Kansas City

| July 24, 2011

I just got back from my annual summer trip to Kansas City (MISSOURI – that is!)  I had a good time with my family – even though I think they were having their hottest summer in history.  I do not EVER REMEMBER 106 – 115 HEAT INDEX TEMPS when I was growing up in Kansas […]