Daisies and a Critter Party

| September 21, 2011

I admire my mailbox garden every morning (my friend Catherine really gave me the gift that keeps on giving.)  Looking at my daisies just starts my day with a smile…..LOOK AT ALL OF THESE BUDS AND BLOOMS.  I love daisies and even named one of my cars DAISY! Here is DAISY!  I loved this car […]

Happy Birthday Grandangels Lacy and James – Sept. 18 and 19, 2011

| September 18, 2011

Today is my grandangel Lacy’s birthday……September 18th in 1989 she came into our lives and we have been giggling over her I LOVE LUCY/LACY antics ever since .  How would I describe her?  ADORABLE, FUNNY, SMART and a recent college grad…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACY!       Tomorrow, September 19th,  is the 9th birthday of […]

What we did during Hurricane Irene…..

| August 29, 2011

We were some of the FORTUNATE ones on the East Coast – just a few trees, branches and leaves spread around.  It is pretty amazing given the strong and the sustained rain and winds. BUT WE WERE PREPARED!  We gathered candles, flashlights, and games……and filled the bathtubs with water……..then we just watched and waited……. How […]

Camp Loopy

| August 26, 2011

I mentioned earlier that I was attending CAMP LOOPY this summer…..a virtual camp for knitters.   The first project was to knit something using two colors of yarn.  I made a ruffled scarf. The second project was to knit a pair of socks using a cable stitch.  I was a PROJECT 2 DROP OUT although […]

News on the Home Front – and Getting Ready for Irene!

| August 26, 2011

DD Christi and Grandangel Sarah got braces this week – this is truly TOGETHERNESS! BEFORE…..   AFTER….. They are eating gingerly – slowly – and painfully – with visions of beautiful teeth dancing in their heads!!!! Now that we have the braces on and have survived the earthquake in Virigina – we are now preparing […]