Halloween and Turning 12

| October 14, 2011

I am so excited – I  FOUND THE HAND QUILTED HALLOWEEN QUILT that I made ….. AND LOST!  I had packed it with the 5 boxes of Halloween decorations last year!  WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED! The quilt is a PUMPKINS GONE WILD panel by Moda and I love it.  I thought a panel would be […]

What I LOVE About Camping!

| October 10, 2011

I spent the weekend camping in Virginia Beach with my family and it was SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!  I know a lot of people do not think camping is fun – but I think it is better than fun – absolutely WONDERFUL.    In fact, it is on my list of FAVORITE THINGS!  Why do I […]

Take Time To Laugh

| October 2, 2011

Some of you know  that LOL means LAUGHING OUT LOUD.  Some of you know that TTFN (which I sometimes include at the end of my e-mails) means Ta Ta For Now…..a happy little phrase borrowed from Tigger (Winnie the Pooh’s Friend.)  But do any of you know about TTTL?  It stands for TAKE TIME TO […]

Lego my EGGIES

| September 29, 2011

Have you seen the ads for EGGIES on TV?  It looks like a MIRACLE.  You crack an egg, slip it into plastic, boil it, and VOILA – out comes a PERFECT BOILED EGG!  I got one for my birthday and I love to learn new things, so the very next morning I was excited to […]


| September 21, 2011

When I woke up EARLY Saturday and looked out the window, there was a GARDEN ANGEL leaving me a birthday surprise!!! The area around my mailbox was being landscaped……with a PUMPKIN TOO!  Isn’t this a great surprise?????? And now the neighbors are wanting a GARDEN ANGEL too!   THANK YOU TO MY GARDEN ANGEL, Catherine. […]