My Tomatoes, My Keys and TTFN

Posted By on June 28, 2010

For the longest time I have wanted to grow tomatos…..but something always happens!  Disease….Bugs….Birds…..

So when I saw the TOPSY TURVY Tomato Planter advertised on TV I KNEW that I wanted one.  As luck would have it, my daughter asked me what I wanted for Mother’s Day – and I had my answer ready! 

It is hanging from my deck.   Already I have three green tomatos on my vine!  My DH and I have been giving it 3 quarts of water EVERY DAY and  I am so pleased to have a crop….a REAL CROP and not the kind you grow on some of the computer games with farms and frontiers.


The second thing that I wanted to share was my KEYCHAIN.  This has grown longer and heavier over the years.  When I taught at the University in CA at night, I carried this keychain as I walked across the dark campus to get to my car  – it was a great weapon (lest you think I USED TO BE WEIRD – let me assure you that it wasn’t always this LONG – and no I didn’t put the key into my ignition with all of these toys on the key chain!)

My grandangels used to play with this when they were riding in my car/ or van.  I kept it  in the back seat of ROSEBUD, DAISY, and even MRS. MISTOPHELES…….the grandangels could be entertained for long periods of time playing with the puzzles, the whistles, and the multitude of interesting “THINGS.”  The KEY CHAIN now hangs in my closet!  Maybe my GREAT GRANDANGELS will play with it one day!  🙂

sao's key chain


And now the TTFN part…..I am leaving for Kansas City in the morning to be with my family.

Hannah is napping on my suitcase!

  I will be back mid July.  Until then, my blog is on vacation.  🙂


Happy 4th of July everyone!

About the author


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