Friday Night Fun at Memories Galore
Posted By drsao on January 25, 2010
Friday night was JUST THE BEGINNING of a three-day-marathon of fun….and I mean marathon. 🙂
Catherine and I met at Memories Galore from 6 to 12 on Friday for a NO FRILLS CROP….that means we ate snacks, instead of a meal. Take a look at the pictures below and you will see the most amazing cupcake ever – it looks like ONE BIG BLUE CUPCAKE but it is actually several cupcakes – YUM! Thanks Carrie!
Every hour there was a SPECIAL SALE….whoohoo…..and every hour someone won a prize. If our name was pulled out of the basket we got to choose two or three treasures from the gift basket. Now I know why kids have so much fun getting something from the TREASURE BOX at school. Catherine and I both won a trip to the gift basket.
One of the highlights of the evening was my learning to do IRIS PAPER FOLDING. Catherine taught me. It LOOKED SO COMPLEX that I had zero expectation that I could pull it off, but she was so SURE that I could do it…..and I did. I made a pear….and it was similar to paper piecing when you are quilting – only you are doing it with paper folding. I love the PEAR that I made – all I need to do now is to put on a stem and a leaf!
I have NEVER HAD 6 hours go by so quickly….but then when you are sharing the evening with a stand up comic (actually Catherine was a SIT DOWN COMIC) the time just flew by.
Here are a few pictures of our FRIDAY NIGHT CROP! (They call the parties CROP AND SHOP because you CROP your pictures and SHOP for the COOL things that you need to make your scrapbook pages!)
- Catherine has the MOST FANCY Paper clips EVER
- Another Beautiful Necklace Designed by Catherine
- My Paper Folding TEACHA
- Mine is on the left, Catherine’s on the right
- Our Goodies…..
- Catherine was our entertainment!
- We both giggled all night!
- I was working on Grandangel Will’s book
- Catherine gifted us with Pencil Valentines – and COOPER WAS THRILLED!
YEAH, whata’ fun evening we had and I was the straight man, tutu funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But surprisingly enough, we got loads done. And I know this is really hard to imagine but it fell to me to remind others of the hourly sales before they expired, man, my work is never done………… And the sheer beauty of it all – we get to do it all over again THIS Friday – WOO-HOO!!!!!
And I think that’s THE BEST picture ever of Shirley and me, THAT’S a keeper fer’ sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!