Posted By drsao on June 10, 2009
The title of this post does not accurately depict what Catherine’s husband, John, said. He said TWO CRIPPLES AND A WHEELCHAIR WERE OUT ON AN OUTING…..I liked the sound of MOBILITY CHALLENGED PERSONS a bit better. LOL 🙂
I was so thrilled though to see Catherine today and find out that she felt like going out – we went to the QUILT MAN fabric shop. I had never been before and the shop is closing – the economy is not kind these days!! We had fun talking and looking and it was GREAT to see Catherine rolling around the shop!!! Don’t you think she is amazing!!!
After we had fun shopping we went on a picnic adventure – ARBYS! THEN if that weren’t enough excitement, Catherine taught me to make the special flower that she designed to put on our quilt. It was really LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN! THANKS CATHERINE, JOHN, AND SYDNEY!
- Looking Good Catherine!!!!!
- A flower for the label too!
- Catherine put fantastic dimensional flowers on the quilt – her creation!
- sao and Sydney
- Marla sent treasures for Catherine
- Sydney is enjoying the music box!
- Margie made this prayer pillow for Catherine
- Cooper’s picture for Catherine
- Cooper is going to be SOOOOOOOO beyond thrilled!
- Catherine did this for Cooper!
- Scotty Fabric – OH MY!!!! 🙂
- Marla, she LOVED the magazine article!
- Marla sent her Catherine’s FAVORITE – Halloween fabric!
- She loved Marla’s fabric!
- Catherine is on the road again!!!!!
- Look at the FANTASTIC silver necklace – Catherine made it!!
- Catherine made this for the shop!
- Blooming 9-patch Quilt
- John, the chauffeur for the picnic
- Catherine at Arby’s in our special garden parking spot
- sao – picnic fun
- Ready for the FLOWER LESSON
- Sydney enjoyed the flower making lesson
- Catherine taught me a neat way to make a knot in my thread! REALLY!
- Catherine taught me how to make the flower
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