Posted By drsao on January 4, 2009
On the SECOND DAY of 2009 I enjoyed a wonderful day at the Quilter’s Corner in Midlothian, VA. We had another one of our SIT N STITCH days.
And you won’t believe what Norma did this time (remember last time I took a picture of her Cathedral Window Quilt?) This time Norma wore a QUILTY JACKET that she made……LOOK AT THIS! Amazing, isn’t it?! I hate to OVERUSE the word AMAZING but there just isn’t another word for this!

Norma's Amazing Jacket
AND TA DA….here is the back of Norma’s Jacket… is hard to see the little YO YO in the middle, but look closely!

Back of Norma's Jacket
And this little picture review would not be complete without a close up of the sleeve. See, I told you it was AMAZING!

Norma's Jacket Sleeve
Norma could have possibly been in the Broadway Musical of JOSEPH and the TECNICOLOR DREAM COAT – if only I would have had my blog in time for her to be discovered!
OK – so on to other SIT N STITCH SHOW N TELLS…..this is Suan with her FINISHED 2007 Block Exchange Quilt. Isn’t it beautiful? Susan had other wonderful things to show – but she is the resident owner, quilt designer and famous celebrity star in our group. Her new work will be published soon and so I am honor-bound not to leak her masterpieces….but stay tuned. Once her quilts are OUT THERE, you will see her work here!

Susan's 2007 Block Exchange Quilt
Wasn’t this BRILLIANT of Susan to add a SPLASH of color to this pink and brown quilt – we used Alex Anderson’s pattern? I LOVE IT. And, Mother, I made the block on the top row – your far right! :):)
I accomplished the completion of my FIRST UFO ON MY 2009 QUILT CHALLENGE LIST!!!!!!!!
I put the binding on Shirley Anne’s Cotton Candy Quilt! Now this feels good! This was quilted by Valerie at A Needle Runs Through It in Goochland, VA and it has been sitting waiting for binding for let’s just say for….. “awhile.”

Shirley Anne's Cotton Candy Quilt

Back of Shirley Anne's Cotton Candy Quilt
I have grown to love these scrappy backs – thanks to Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville for the idea. I think Bonnie makes her squares for the backs of her quilts 10 1/2 inches and I make mine 15 1/2 inches. Those big blocks just look so HAPPY!
What REALLY makes me happy is that I actually used those little BONUS TRIANGLES in the border of my quilt! LOOK!

Bonus Triangles in the Border

Marla helping Shirley with her first quilt
Marla, in the white vest, is helping Shirley with her first quilt. They got the binding sewn on! Marla brought NOT ONE BUT TWO sewing machines to Sit N Stitch and she never used either one of them. I think she should get a prize for that…..doesn’t that have to be some kind of a record…..ideas, anyone?
Ginger worked on a VERY CHEERFUL BRAID QUILT…..really the fabric makes you smile!

Ginger and her HAPPY BRAID QUILT
Sheddy worked on a new creation – I think this is a shop sample for her OTHER FRIENDS in PA!

Sheddy working on her PA Quilt
If you live in or near Midlothian and you are a quilter – or a wannabe quilter you should join us at Quilter’s Corner on Sit N Stitch the first and 3rd Fridays. It is so much fun. We gather around the back table for lunch that we either bring – or go out and bring in – oops, that reminds me that someone forgot to tell Susan that it was lunch time last Friday. Poor Susan. Sometimes it gets lonely when you are at the top! 🙂
OK – so the FUN PART is that if you NEED A BREAK FROM SEWING, EATING AND LAUGHING (and I always seem to need a break) you can go run up a tab at the SHOP! Isn’t that so cool.
I am really excited about the 30’s Club at Quilter’s Corner starting this month. I HAD to take some pictures of the 30’s background fabrics…..

Love these 30's Background Fabrics at Quilter's Corner
And I am still excited about the fairy fabrics by Michael Miller……HM….can anyone have TOO MANY FAIRY QUILTS?

Michael Miller Fairy Fabric at Quilter's Corner
Marla showed us what she has done so far on her Fairy Quilt……I know you can’t see it in the picture, but there is actually sparkling fairy frost in some of the fabrics. TOOOOOO CUTE!

Marla's Fairy Quilt Blocks
And just for the record, you don’t have to be a LITTLE GIRL to like fairies!
SO….another fun and productive DAY 2 of 2009!
Categories: 2009 UFO LIST CHALLENGE, 30's Club, Jan 2 09, Quilt Shops, Quilter's Corner, Quilts Finished in 2009, Shirley Anne's Cotton Candy, Sit N Stitch, Sit N Stitch QC
I love this! I’m wanting to make a fairy quilt for my daughter. Where can I find similar prints?