THE KITTY BUNCH by Catherine

Posted By on October 22, 2008

My friend, Catherine, whose home was “CHOSEN” by the mama cat to have our 3 kittens in wrote this song (to the tune of “The Brady Bunch” to describe to me how Hannah Fay, Daisy May, and Tonto came into this world.

It is priceless and I just had to share!  Catherine is SO CREATIVE!


 The Kitty Bunch


Here’s a story, of a lovely kitty,

Who already had litters of her own,

But as we all know, an unfixed kitty,

Is never, EVER by herself, alone………….


So one day this kitty met this fellow,

And they knew that it was much more than a hunch,

That once these kitty tails got together,

She certainly would now have another bunch……….


So the guy left, the same old story,

And she was left to find her own shelter and food,

Inside the house of Etter via the doggie door

Where she knew life would be ample and good.


So she scouted and looked around a bit,

Hunting for that perfect birthing spot,

She spied the chair and a half in the TV room,

Under the recliner, she loved the seclusion a lot!


So sometime around the first of September,

Although I can’t be certain of the exact date,

She gave birth to her newest of families,

By the time I found out, it was simply too late…………..


Honestly I had no idea as to the happenings,

A well kept secret she did keep,

No clues, no sightings, no way to know,

I never heard so much as a single peep!


Then one day I suppose she thought me worthy,

To the grate room the babies she did move,

I was then introduced to the three cutest babies,

Providing them with bedding, water and food……..


One was all black, with just a mask of white,

Sarah, Cooper and DAISY MAY

Sarah, Cooper and DAISY MAY




The next all white with touches of gray,

Sarah and Tonto

Sarah and Tonto




Leanna and Hannah Fay

Leanna and Hannah Fay




The third was an exotic grey stripe,

All so different, it SO made my day!


Seven weeks have passed, starting off small,

They all three have changed and continue to grow,

They bounce and they play, all three at a time,

But I knew the time was coming, off they would go.


Enter dearheart Shirley, a fellow Missourian,

Who was wanting of a single kitten, one,

But who knew darling hubby Max, would agree,

To ALL three before day was done!!!!!!


So October 19, I left for Quilter’s Corner,

To drop off my treasures times three,

Catherine and the three little kittens

Catherine and the three little kittens

Shirley met with her newest additions,

An occasion full of joyful heart and glee!!!!!!


A family incredible, grandangels too cute,

Full of love and hope and loving tradition,

All three babies welcomed by their other furries,

Made to feel special and an adoring addition.


So my story’s ending, the kittens has just begun,

My heart is so full, as always, God answers prayers,

I will never be able to show my full appreciation,

For allowing my kitty family to become theirs……


The Kitty Bunch, The Kitty Bunch,

That’s the waaaay we became the Kitty Bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn’t this just TOO MUCH.  Love it.  Thanks Catherine for the music and the kitty history.


About the author


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