| January 26, 2008

 My mother recently broke her arm.  The cast is off, but after weeks and weeks of disuse, a person tends to protect the injured member and avoid using it (I.E. it is stiff and it hurts.)  To help my mother REMEMBER to use her fingers, I made up this song. TO THE TUNE OF IF […]

Wild Irish Rose Quilt for the Albertsons

| January 23, 2008

I made a humongous – and I mean REALLY humongous and ginormous quilt for my parents.  It is 138″ by 138″ and Valerie (my favorite long arm quilter from A NEEDLE RUNS THROUGH IT in Goochland, VA) said that it was the largest quilt that she ever quilted.  She did a fabulous job on the quilting (pattern […]

Braid Parade Quilt

| January 23, 2008

I have a new appreciation for our fore-mothers.  The hand-pieced quilts of yesteryear were made with love and dedication.  Here is my attempt at a hand pieced quilt – my parade of braids.  This has taken a whole week and I have used many bandaids.  I wonder if I will ever get good enough so […]

Waiting in Airports – ANOTHER FAVORITE THING

| January 22, 2008

Yes, you read that title correctly.  I LOVE waiting in airports. This is not an example of sarcasm, nor am I attempting to be funny. I LOVE sitting in airports.  Weird?  Maybe not, let me explain. It is the PERFECT place to people watch (I love to see babies sleeping and people in love snuggling up […]

These are a few of my Favorite Things

| January 14, 2008

My list of Favorite Things is quite LONG.  I decided that I would think about those things and add a few each day.  These are NOT in the order of my LIKING!  LOL First I LOVE  I learn or RE-Learn a new word each day.  I get the word of the day e-mailed directly […]