Sweetheart – Hawaiian OHANA Log Cabin Quilt – Birth of a Sampler – Thimbleberries – School Events and the Sports Bar

| June 1, 2008

I just finished testing a pattern for the second quilt in the COZY QUILT SERIES designed by Susan at The QUILTER’S CORNER.  (The first one was the BEACH RETREAT – the beautiful blue and yellow one that I wrote about previously.)  This one is called the SWEETHEART QUILT and it is a combination of appliqued […]

April Birth of a Sampler – THOUSANDS of 1 1/2 Inch Squares

| April 20, 2008

I wonder how many other quilters have ever cut so many extra strips of material that they could almost make a WHOLE quilt with the leftovers?  I guess I got CARRIED away with making my little 1 1/2″ square four-patches for the round (shown below) on my Birth of a Sampler Quilt because I had an embarrasssing number of […]