These are a few of my Favorite Things

Posted By on January 14, 2008

My list of Favorite Things is quite LONG.  I decided that I would think about those things and add a few each day.  These are NOT in the order of my LIKING!  LOL

First I LOVE  I learn or RE-Learn a new word each day.  I get the word of the day e-mailed directly to me each day… a special delivery tutor!  I try to use that word sometime during the day.  It is immensely fun.

Word of the Day for Monday, January 14, 2008
primogeniture \pry-moh-JEN-ih-choor\, noun:
1. The state of being the firstborn of the same parents; seniority by birth among children of the same family.

Today’s word is PRIMOGENITURE – and since I am a FIRST BORN, I am particularly fond of this word. 

I get silly happy  when I see SNOW FALL – it turns the whole world into a magical wonderland.  My son-in-law and grandangels do special snow dances to encourage snowfall.  Once in a blue moon, by some miracle, it actually works! I like to believe this because it makes life more fun!!!  Some years I have gone all winter and have missed seeing snow fall.  That makes me sad.  I grew up in Kansas City, MO where there was LOTS of snow….but no, I didn’t walk five miles to school in the snow – BAREFOOT!

I like rain as well!  No, I don’t LIKE rain, I LOVE RAIN!  All of my grandangels know that my favorite song is SINGING IN THE RAIN…..and I have been known to open my car sunroof and let the rain fall right on me and on my grandangels as well!  When my children were young, I sometimes woke them up (at night) to go run outside in the rain.  I never wanted to let raindrops go unappreciated.  I celebrate rain.  Yes, I LOVE RAIN (except on days when I am substitute teaching and it is raining at the same time – that means inside recess with a gaggle of children who NEED to go outside to run off some energy!)

This is grandangel, Shirley Anne, on her third birthday singing SINGING IN THE RAIN.  The umbrella and matching ladybug raincoat are from Grandma Shirley, who else?

“I’m singing in the rain…..what a wonderful feeling, I’m happy again.”

Shirley Anne - age 3 - Singing in the Rain

To be continued…….

About the author


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