HELP PLEASE – Sashing for Scrappy Flying Geese Blocks

Posted By on December 30, 2012

On my DESIGN FLOOR THIS WEEK I have  over 200 String Pieced Scrappy Flying Geese Blocks and I love love love them.  Thanks, Bonnie Hunter, for sharing the idea taken from a recent antique quilt purchase.  I have had so much fun making these little geese from my pile of strings!


NOW…the dilemma.  I need to put a row of SOMETHING or NOTHING in between the row of geese and I can’t decide.  Nothing really grabs me…..and then again, when I stare some more, I like everything… that conflicted or what???


  Will you please vote or make other suggestions?

Vote for A…….Black, Brown, and Beige Print

Auditioning Sashing Strips

Auditioning Sashing Strips


Vote for B – Tiny Red Plaid




Vote for C – NO SASHING – make geese fly in opposite directions in each row.




Vote for D…..Black with a touch of Beige




Vote for E – Black with white dots




Vote for F – Beige


Vote for G…..OTHER IDEAS?

I could always save the geese for a border for a scrappy quilt to be created in the future?

To see what is on the DESIGN WALL OF QUILTERS across the country go to Judy Laquidara’s Blog


About the author


38 Responses to “HELP PLEASE – Sashing for Scrappy Flying Geese Blocks”

  1. Jennifer Bennett says:

    They are all beautiful! A would be my first choice, D is my second.

  2. Danielle May says:

    My favorite was the black brown and beige fabric. Liked the idea of using the rows as a border. Have you thought of an applique row in between, fused would be fine

  3. Vicki W says:

    I love E, the black dots.

  4. Becky Miller says:

    Shirley — I vote for Choice D — love the pop it gives the blocks 🙂

  5. Barbara Quigley says:

    I like A as my first choice and D would be my second choice.

  6. Lynne says:

    Solid bright yellow is my suggestion.

  7. Carmela Cataudella-Sanzone says:

    I have to say it’s very hard, but i think I would do: A, B or E. Any one of those choices will make a stunning quilt! If you have enough – why not make one in each 🙂 Good Luck!

  8. Cheryl says:

    I like either nothing or one of the two blacks.

  9. Norma says:

    I like B, the red plaid. Nice job!

  10. drsao says:

    I appreciate everyone’s comments……so far A is the one with the most votes and D is the second choice. Danielle, tell me more about an applique row…..what should I applique? Interesting idea!

  11. Kate says:

    Can I vote multiple times for D? I would like to do that! Great geese..kate

  12. Karla in NC says:

    I think D looks best, but they all look good. The geese look great! How many geese did you make?

  13. christine says:

    I think the geese look great in formation and not sashed…

  14. Sue Smith says:

    I loved E too. The Black is neutral but the white dots give a POP.
    I like the idea of a really scrappy quilt with these rows as the borders too. So many ideas…so many choices. That’s what makes it fun!

  15. B is my choice and just love the flying geese

  16. Love. The red check. B. and love the quilt, great job

  17. Rhonda says:

    I vote “A” because it’s a subtle but defining way that allows the geese to pop!! Hope that helps!

  18. Jill S. says:

    Your string-pieced flying geese look fantastic! I love red, so B is my first choice. My second choice is F, for a subtle sashing that lets the blocks do the talking. Although Danielle’s applique rows in between also sounds intriguing. Happy New Year!

  19. Joyce says:

    I love the geese – after seeing Bonnie’s and now yours I’m afraid I’m going to start the new year with a new project! I really like the movement that is created with the alternating direction of the geese. Maybe C with a dark sashing? I’ll be very interested in seeing what you decide. What ever your choice it’s going to be spectacular I’m sure of it!

  20. Ruth says:

    I like D, the black with a little beige in between, but I would have the geese fly both ways. Perhaps a small red strip here and there between would set off the red in the geese.

  21. Liz says:

    Definitely the black!!!!!

  22. Sandie says:

    If it were me, I would surround the columns of geese with a narrow border of Fabric A, and then put wider (@ half the width of the geese) spacer rows of Fabric D between the rows, and across the top and bottom. Gives you some open space for quilting, and nothing competes with the scrappy happiness of the blocks!

  23. Denise says:

    Love it. My vote is D, it makes the geese pop for me.

  24. Sherry V. says:

    My vote goes for the following:

    D. The geese seem to pop more with that choice.

    C. I love the chevron effect that you get with the geese set that way.

    A. This seems to set the geese off. . . but they don’t pop as much as “D”.

    I can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your geese — they are wonderful.

  25. Gari says:

    I kind of like the red (B) as it make this more of a “country” quilt. And I also like the idea of using two fabrics for more quilting space. Your geese look great: I must try that, too.

  26. Pat C in Washington says:

    B or D – red or black would be my choice. The strings (love ’em!) are very busy and I think the polka dots would be too much more busy-ness added to them. Same for the black, brown and beige print. I’m a sucker for red and the plaid is small enough not to be shouting at the strings.

  27. brigitte says:

    my choice is D first and B second. I like your quilt!

  28. Cathy says:

    B – the red plaid makes the geese sing. It will make a very happy quilt. 🙂

  29. Cheryl in Iowa says:

    I like A.

  30. Peggyinno says:

    I vote for the black dots or the red. But you could maybe try a black with white stars, that way your “Geese would be flying between the stars”!

  31. AnnieO says:

    They look terrific! I vote for A, E and C. Lots of great choices there…hope you go with your heart no matter what the readers vote!

  32. Nancy Buckland says:

    I vote for D. Black always works!!

  33. Nancy Buckland says:

    Definitely D

  34. Jo says:

    first choice : B, next E, succes, happy 2013

  35. Catherine Etter says:

    I’d like to see a bright or royal blue, seems to almost jump out of the geese and wouldn’t it be uber fun to see all those strippy geese flyin’ across the sky??????

  36. The only one I would vote against is the beige. I rather like A and C a tiny bit better than the others.

  37. Julie in WA says:

    I LOVE E, the black with white dots! Makes it look modern and sprightly! I also like B, the red checks, except I would first put a thin black border on each flying geese row, then a wider red check sash with some really fun quilting.

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