Virginia Scrappers December 22, 2012
Posted By drsao on December 22, 2012
As always, we had a great time today at our monthly Virginia Scrappers quilting fest. We did lots of sewing, sharing, creating, eating, shopping and OODLES of giggling. I think we all agreed that Catherine missed her calling when she didn’t go on stage doing stand-up comedy. She kept us laughing for sure. I have never seen anyone who could come up with something funny to say on the spur of the moment like that.
We had a mini-feast today with everyone bringing something fun to share………..YUM. Thanks to everyone for making this a special time!
Here are some pictures of our fun today – and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE….it won’t be long now….
Nancy does beautiful hand quilting!!!
Look what else Catherine made – can’t wait to see this after it is washed and drawn up…….an inspiration piece for sure.
I love the colors in this! Catherine is making a larger version of this as well! Look below for yet another of Catherine’s creations today – she was definitely on a creative roll today.

Carmen has a neat clip on light……..maybe this will be our inspiration for a field trip to Ikea in DC!
I love the little pieces in Carol’s project!
ME? I got a lot done on my Scrappy Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt…..
We had a lot of fun – can’t wait to hear all of the Christmas stories at our next January meeting – the 3rd instead of the 4th Saturday!
Soooooooooooooooooo much fun, how I adore this group!!!!!!!!! I’m not remotely humorous at all, but these girls seem to bring out my funny side f..or sure………….. And yeah that Bonnie and Nancy were back, whata’ treat! Merriest of Merrys’ dear ones, see y’all in the New one………..
Hi – I really enjoyed looking at your website. There’s so much to see. I”ve been watching
quilting programs on PBS for years. I love art and the 2 things I love most about art are
color and texture. I guess that explains why I love quilts. It was wonderful to visit you.
Laura Putnocky