Virginia Scrappers
Posted By drsao on February 21, 2010
We had fun at our monthly gathering of Virginia Scrappers. Catherine was working on her curved log cabin project – she is making a wonderful tote bag and I won’t be taking a picture until it is all finished!
Joy won best hand quilting, best applique, and best of SHOW at Quilting Adventure – it might be the Little Women group – I guess I had better sharpen up on my REPORTING SKILLS….anyway her miniature quilt is really nice.
Patsy was working on counted cross stitch – a beautiful ADAM AND EVE sampler. She is enjoying her new job; however getting used to the 3rd shift hours is challening.
I did something amazing – I sewed on 44 – yes forty- four – buttons on my Main Street Houses quilt. I covered all the little berries as well as the flower centers. AND….I got the binding put on. YEAH! I thought it was quite amazing.
Catherine and I stayed until 5:30 – getting in our LAST HURRAH of fun!
I hope you enjoy the pictures!!!
- Patsy is counting!!!!
- Love Patsy’s QVC RING!
- Catherine’s Necklace is stunning!
- Catherine’s Strips
- Spring House – with buttons in the center of the flowers
- My Main Street Houses Quilt ALL FINISHED!!
How great was Saturday and we got sooooooooooooooo much done, YEAH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we both deserve an Olympic medal but I’m more than elated just to spend time together…….. Perhaps a basketball game in my future???????
Looks like everyone had fun. Was it a small group? We’re on our whirlwind adventure to Myrtle Beach and beyond. See everyone the end of March.