Play Dough by Leanna
Posted By drsao on April 30, 2009
I was thinking that it would be fun to play with PLAY DOUGH……guess being in school and doing some projects with some kindergarten folks today and being elbow deep in Elmer’s white glue just gave me to urge to do something creative – on my own!
And my 13 year old grandangel Leanna’s teacher just entered her FREE VERSE poem in the WRITE NOW contest…..and the title was PLAY DOUGH – guess that got me to thinking about PLAY DOUGH in the first place. Here is Nanna’s poem….tell me if it makes YOU want to play too!
Play Dough
Add a cup of flour,
Warm water and cream of tartar,
A teaspoon of oil, quarter cup of salt,
My choice of food coloring; and
I can set my imagination free,
My play dough can be whatever I want it to be.

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