Lake Forest, CA SAO’s Kids and Grandangels – March, 2009
Posted By drsao on March 15, 2009
If you aren’t family – THIS IS A WARNING – skip this blog entry!
Have you heard the expression – HAVING MORE FUN THAN A BARREL FULL OF MONKEYS? Been there – done that. I had many LOVELY moments while visiting my kids and grandangels in California the first half of March. I took HUNDREDS OF PICTURES…..anyone surprised? First we will visit the Johnsons in Lake Forest, CA.
My, oh my, it is always AMAZING all over again for me to venture out onto the CA freeways – 8 lanes going QUICKLY in both directions – and CA drivers honk too! Don’t ask! But the beauty makes up for it…..I took lots of pictures but will only show a few. First the mountains and the palm trees.

NO SMOG - mountains can be seen everywhere in Lake Forest, CA

Lake Forest Palm Trees

Harry 14 Playing the Guitar

Harry Dances

Harry the Babe Magnet
Yes – he got a marriage proposal – I just could not believe my 8th grade grandangel being a babe magnet – the girls literally SCREAMED his name when he went on stage (I had to laugh, Rob – my son – said, “Harry is LIVING MY LIFE!!”)

Marriage Proposal
William turned 11 while I was there – and that was my reason for going to CA in March. Here he is – the future famous chef…..William.

Here he is 10 years old

William turned 11 March 4

Rob Watches Will Slice the Tomatos

My Pasta and Tomato Casserole


Vincent at the Park

Vincent and the LIFESIZED DINOSAUR that I knitted

The Breakfast Fairy Came

Shirley Anne learned to eat Cereal in a Glass

James was Student of the Week

Rob and James on the REINDEER (Merry Go Round)
One of the funniest things was having 4 year old Shirley Anne TAKE ME ON A WALK TO GO SHOPPING. She promised me that she knew the way but I was WORRIED because my kids had moved and I was not familiar with their geographical location (I didn’t take my GPS to CA with me and so I knew that I would be FOREVER LOST if Shirley Anne REALLY DID NOT KNOW how to go shopping AND get us back home again.) SO….I took my camera and took pictures along the way (my version of dropping bread crumbs.) She took me on a TWO MILE WALK to shop and then eat ice cream…..did I mention that the walk was TWO MILES EACH WAY. Yes, I took lots of pictures and I was wearing flip flops. Oh, and by the way, we did make it back!!!
Here are the highlights of our WALKING ADVENTURE!

Shirley Anne's Walk Dropping Breadcrumbs...Still Walking......

Are we There Yet?

Someone was ready for ice cream!

sao, Lil, and Shirley Anne Getting Pedicures

Rob in his Signature Sweater Look!
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