Shenandoah Valley Quilt Guild ROAD TRIP and BONNIE K HUNTER Jan. 16 – 17, 2009
Posted By drsao on January 18, 2009
I just got back from a memorable trip to Harrisonburg, VA where we met some ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL PEOPLE. Catherine, Margaret and I were so HAPPY to be guests of the Shenandoah Valley Quilt Guild on Saturday, Jan. 17 to not only enjoy meeting all of the lovely guilty folks, but to also get to see Bonnie K. Hunter’s lecture and trunk show – and to be a part of her SPIDER WEB QUILT WORKSHOP (Catherine took the Star Struck Workshop on Friday as well!)
We really enjoyed all of the SHOW N TELL projects of the Shenandoah Valley Quilters too. I shared three of my Bonnie quilts….Maverick Stars, Carolina Crossroads, and the 2009 Super Bowl Bargello challenge! I TOOK LOTS OF PICTURES! (And just for the record – Margaret REALLY was there but she made a great effort to stay out of my camera’s eye! :))
Catherine – one of the most creative people on the face of this earth made a needle case out of a recycled shirt collar….a pin cushion out of a toilet paper roll and an antique spool, a notebook out of odds and ends of her treasure trove….and she made Bonnie a tote bag out of her recycled shirt strips. She also shared her famous embellished jacket during SHOW N TELL. And just for the record, I think Catherine is NEVER GOING TO DUST HER MACHINE AGAIN because Bonnie used her machine to demo during the workshop! 🙂
This one is Bonnie’s MAVERICK STARS Quilt that Catherine and I are showing during SHOW N TELL. I loved making this one – it was lots of fun! I just finished the top as part of a grand effort – it was on my 2009 UFO Challenge List. 🙂

sao's Maverick Stars (a Bonnie Hunter design)
This was Bonnie’s first Mystery Quilt – Carolina Crossroads – DON’T YOU JUST LOVE IT. It is my DH’s birthday present this year! Catherine is helping me hold up my quilts during Show N Tell! Anyone can be a part of Bonnie’s Yahoo Quiltville Chat group – just go to and join in the fun! There are woman all over the world who are following Bonnie’s mysteries.

sao's Carolina Crossroads by Bonnie

sao - Bonnie's 2009 SuperBowl Bargello
We were made to feel SO WELCOME by members of the Shenandoah Valley Quilt Guild……thanks especially to Fran and Mary who made this happen for us…..
…..and we had SO MUCH FUN
…..and we were so inspired by Bonnie……..that I think the excitement will be lasting quite awhile in our hearts. Bonnie was absolutely fabulous and all of us were in awe of her multitude of scrappy quilts. I think many of us GAINED AT LEAST ABOUT 10 new UFO’s just by watching her trunk show!
Bonnie shared her Scrap User Secrets – and her system and her “TROPICAL TWIST QUILT” is featured in the January/February 2oo9 issue of QUILTMAKER magazine! Bonnie jokingly noted that her name was even in larger font than the ever famous and wonderful Mark Lipinski. Way to go Bonnie!
Bonnie’s new book is fabulous and she is working on her second one! You can order Bonnie’s book SCRAPS AND SHIRTTAILS from Bonnie’s Quiltville website – or from the Kansas City Star Website – or from Amazon! I love this book!

Scraps and Shirttails by Bonnie K. Hunter
I hope you enjoy the FUN through my pictures. REMEMBER to double click on the pictures to see the full view!
- Catherine’s Lesson on TEARING PAPER
- Catherine’s baby
- Catherine’s Bonnie Book
- sao’s attempt at being a princess
- Catherine and Bonnie
- Bonnie and sao
- Bonnie’s Quilts
- Quilt Guild SHOW N TELL
- Shenandoah Valley Show N Tell
- sao – Bonnie’s 2009 SuperBowl Bargello
- sao’s Carolina Crossroads by Bonnie
- Catherine’s Show N Tell
- Catherine made the pin cushion
- Catherine’s Creation
- Catherine’s Needle Case from a shirt collar
- Fran’s version of Bonnie’s OTR MYSTERY QUILT
- Shenandoah Valley Show N Tell
- Catherine picked the WINNER of the Raffle Quilt
- Bonnie K. Hunter herself
- Bonnie’s TROPICAL TWIST – see QUILTMAKER Jan/Feb 09
- Bonnie’s FAMOUS 10 1/2″ square backs
- Bonnie and her latest DOUBLE DELIGHT MYSTERY QUILT
- Bonnie’s Quilt Backs are so creative
- Bonnie’s OTR Mystery – one of my favorites
- Nifty Thrifty in Bonnie’s book
- LOVE Bonnie’s Virginia Bound Quilt
- Virginia Bound
- Bonnie’s 2008 Super Bowl Bargello qUILT
- sao’s lunch
- Star Struck blocks from Bonnie’s Friday workshop
- Kelly’s first partial block from 30’s fabrics
- Bonnie taking pictures of Catherine’s Spider Web Block
- Catherine’s First SpiderWeb Block
- sao’s first Spider Web Block
- Bonnie and her SPIDER WEB Quilt
- sao’s Maverick Stars (a Bonnie Hunter design)
- Scraps and Shirttails by Bonnie K. Hunter
Thanks so much for the Bonnie pictures. And you guild show and tell. I have seen Bonnie’s lecture before, but a refresher always perks me up. LOL. I also like your DD colors. Happy quilting. Vicki
I am glad that you enjoyed the pictures!!!
That was fun to see all your photos…thanks!
ALMOST as good as being right there!!
I totally loved your quilt meeting….I loved the pictures, the comments…it was awesome, like I was there…thanks
I followed your link from Bonnie’s blog. GREAT job taking all those photos – I almost felt like I was there. A bit of fun on a cold Canadian morning – makes me totally motivated to go sew, on something, on anything, but definately scrappy! Thanks. Cheers! Evelyn
Great job with the pictures…almost as good as being there.
The town of Midlothian caught my eye. My sister lives there. Small world.
Thank you for all the photos. Your Crossroads quilt is particularly beautiful!
These pictures are great. I’m a Bonnie Hunter Quilter fan. Looking at her work makes me want to quilt 24/7….”Thank you” for sharing. Wish I had been there!
The photos are great!!! Looks like you all had a good time. I love Bonnie and her generosity. Her website is the first one I check everyday, she is such a great inspiration.
THanks soooo much for sharing those fantastic photos…I feel like I was there. Bonnies stuff is just so inpiring isn’t it also the with other guild members show and tell it’s put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!
Thanks again- Mary fron NZ