sao’s Quilty SHOW AND TELL for this week
Posted By drsao on January 8, 2009
I guess you are going to want to know what Hannay Fay is doing and why her picture is on my blog…, I will tell you…..Hannah Fay is helping me get the quilting pattern printouts OUT OF THE COMPUTER!!!! Why am I printing out new patterns?

Hannah Fay Likes Quilting Patterns
Remember when I reported that Sheddy is going to start a new quilt every day this year? Well, she showed me a pattern that she is going to do and I just couldn’t help myself – I am going to have to do it too! It is a free block of the month – in case anyone is interested. Here is the first block for January – from Bunny Hill! Isn’t it just TOOOOOO CUTE. The link for the Bunny Hill Blog is right under the picture – just in case anyone else is interested!

Bunny Hill January BOM
I sometimes wonder what we did before we had computers and printers in our homes………I would feel so lost without them…..and e-mail…..I rarely talk on the phone anymore since I have e-mail. The nice thing about e-mail is that it is so convenient…..and there are no time parameters about the hours when it is appropriate to communicate!!!!
In my spare time I have been doing a bit of sewing .. so here is my SHOW AND TELL for this week – not a lot because I have been working a bit too! 🙂
Here is my first block (and the three filler blocks) for Janaury. I am making the traditional colorway for my Thimbleberries 2009 Club. I think it is cute! I did this FIRST because this year we are getting $5 Thimblebucks each month for doing our homework….LOL. I have to GET RICH for the end of the year auction!

Thimbleberries Block One and 3 Filler Blocks
This month we made two blocks – sometimes known as the CARD TRICK BLOCK….and like always we made a filler block. I LOVE those little 1 1/2″ squares in the filler block! The fabric choices this month are interesting.

January Thimbleberrie Blocks

Jan. 09 Filler Block for Moda Selvages
Powhatan Quilters Paper Pieced Star Block – ROUND ROBIN?
I put a little border on my paper pieced star block that we learned how to do Monday….I think it is so cheerful. I may just use this for my 12″ center for our Round Robin Quilt……and I cannot say another thing about this – or show any more pictures for SEVEN MONTHS – because it is going to be a BIG HUSH HUSH SECRET. Yes, I think this will be my block – I like it! HM….I guess this isn’t going to be a great surprise for the others! (Speaking of “OTHERS” – this season’s LOST series will be starting soon!)

Paper Pieced Star Block
I am making Bonnie K. Hunter’s Double Delight Mystery Quilt – and here is an example of my CLUE #1 Blocks. I think this will be in her next quilt book. If anyone is interested, the free pattern is on Bonnie’s Website at

Double Delight Quiltville Mystery Clue 1

Double Delight Quiltville Mystery Clue #2
I really like all of the little pieces that Bonnie uses in her quilts. They are not quickies – but they are sure worth it when you see the end-product.
I am enrolled in Bonnie Hunter’s workshop, January 17, in Harrisburg, VA. I am reallly looking forward to this. Margaret and Catherine are going too. SO…..maybe sometime this year we will all have beautiful SPIDER WEB QUILTS to display. I think I will make mine with a black background – doesn’t that sound SPIDERY!!!
The Shenandoah Valley Quilt Guild was so nice – they are letting us NON-MEMBERS join in the fun! I got a place in the workshop in the NICK OF TIME……there were only two places left when I sent my check in! WHEW!
BTW – the SPIDER WEB QUILT PATTERN is also available – free – on Bonnie’s quiltville website.
I decorated my hat for the winter luncheon of the Country Piecemakers Quilt Guild this Saturday – and I AM SO WANTING TO POST A PICTURE….but this is a contest, you know, so I had better wait and show a picture of the hat AFTER SATURDAY…..but stay tuned……and BTW, this is the first hat that I have ever decorated, LIKE THIS ANYWAY! LOL Wait until you see it! 🙂
And….I KNOW that this is OFF TOPIC for QUILTY SHOW AND TELLS, but when I saw my grandangel Sarah’s American Girl Doll, Kit, wearing this nightgown, I just HAD to take a picture. Ginger, did you notice that Kit is using your American Girl Desk?
I am now OFFICIALLY putting all of my friends on alert for a CHICKS RULE nightgown……Let me know if you see one in an adult size (maybe I will learn how to use my embroidery function on my sewing machine and make a nightgown with a chicken on it)……..hmmmmm…..I can just visualize it – a bunch of quilty friends having a pajama party – wearing CHICKS RULE NIGHTGOWNS – maybe even making a chicken quilt. LOL.

Kit - Chick's Rule
While I am OFF TOPIC I might as well mention that I have added something to my LIST OF FAVORITE THINGS. Marla loaned me the movie “AUGUST RUSH” and I have watched it twice already – and yes, I cried both times. It didn’t always get the best of reviews – but then, sometimes those are my FAVORITE MOVIES. I LOVE IT…….RECOMMEND IT……THUMBS UP……ELBOWS BACK. 🙂

Scene from the August Rush movie
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